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The General Assembly in its third day Monday May 18 was begun with a Communion service in the Assembly Hall prior to the days business.

     The World Mission Council and the Ecumenical council as well as the Panel on Review and Reform ended the days agendy.  Under World Mission a moving speech was given to the assembly by the representive from Nepal.   He had lived through the recent earthquakes in Nepal both of which were very  big events over 7 on the richter scale.   The commissioners were moved by the graphic description of what it was like to be caught up in such an event. 

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The Commissioners attending the General Assembly in Edinburgh have had a busy time but it has been a quiet Assembly or has been described as flat by ministers who have attended several General Assemblies.   Though there has been difficult issues the Tuesday sessions included the Church and Society Council which is what replace the Church and Nation comittee.   This used to be a standing room only session in the public gallery and indeed was well attended by commissioners.  However, since the Parliament in Scotland has been operating it has had less publicity.  It is still an influential voice however to both governments both sides of the border.

      There were calls today for the kirk's Council to urge the UK government and EU to recognise Palestinian State.   It was agreed by the commissioners with little or no objection. The Minister from St. Andrews Church Jerusalem, Rev. Paraic Reammon underlined the value of this move to help a peace process to be begun.  In the past decades there has been little movement from the Israeli government to come to a peaceful result.   Indeed the violence against Gaza by the Military might of Israel was condemned by all as was any violence in Israel.  Rev. Ian Whyte did remind the commissioners of the uneven sides in the current situation a tank in some cases against the modern day David with thier slings.   The issues of taxation, and austerity also were highlighted by the Council as the poorest  paying the highest price for the downturn created by the Wall street gamblers and the banksters who lost billions of other peoples money yet were not sanctioned at all and still got obscene bonuses in the light of suffering.





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